Soignée Sisterhood Conversation with Suzette Riddick

02 May

At fifteen, an upperclassman slipped Suzette Riddick her first romance novel. Immediately, she became engrossed in the romance genre. Years later, she discovered there were romance novels written by African-American women with characters that looked like her. Searching local bookstores for her favorite authors became an enjoyable pastime for Suzette.

Suzette’s love for the genre and a need to find a place of escapism encouraged her to write her first novel, A Special Summer, in 2008, under a pen name. After readers provided positive feedback and expressed their eagerness to know what would happen next with the characters, Suzette was inspired to write the sequel, When Love Comes Around, and before she knew it, the Love Conquers All Series was born. Second Chance at Love, from the Love Conquers All series, received a nomination for an Emma Award for E-book of the Year.

Currently, Suzette is working on creating stories with fascinating characters that will make readers want to follow them on their journeys to love and happiness. Although reading and writing are near and dear to Suzette’s heart, being a wife, mother, sister, friend, and nurse practitioner makes her the happiest.

Please share something our readers wouldn’t know about you.
Readers wouldn’t know that I can be spontaneous. Out of the blue, during a summer vacation, I went kayaking, which was pretty daring since I’m not a strong swimmer.

If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Loyal, sensitive, and funny.

What are you currently working on?
Currently, I’m working on an exciting series titled Generations with one of my favorite authors and my twin, Suzette D. Harrison. The series will be a collection of ten novellas. Five from a historical perspective written by Suzette D. Harrison. I will be writing five from a contemporary perspective. What I love about this series is that Suzette D. Harrison and I did our thing when it came to world-building. Stories told to us by our elders throughout the years fueled our imaginations to create Colemanville, North Carolina, an all Black southern town. I can’t wait for readers to visit Colemanville.

Tell us about your first contemporary title in the Generations Series.
Wandering Beauty is the story of Jillian Hart, the granddaughter of Floretta Coleman-Mercer from Forever Beautiful by Suzette D. Harrison. In this story, readers will witness the special bond between Jillian and her grandmother, Nana Flo. As Jillian’s life is imploding, it’s Nana Flo who she leans on for comfort and eventually runs to Colemanville, North Carolina, to seek wisdom and guidance from. While in Colemanville, Jillian realizes that her future and the past are interconnected. This gives her the courage to step out on faith to fulfill a lifetime dream at the age of forty. Even if it means her marriage will come to an end.

Although the novellas in the series can be read as a stand-alone. I would encourage readers to start with the historical novella and then read the contemporary novella for a seamless reading experience.

Can you share with us something about the book that isn’t in the blurb?
I don’t want to reveal too much. But I believe the lives of the secondary characters will intrigue readers enough to be curious about their backstories.

Share one specific point in your book that resonated with your present journey.
Jillian realizing that she had to focus on her desires for once. I grew up being a people pleaser and being loyal to people who didn’t deserve it. I’m in a place in my life where I no longer over extend myself. Which was hard for me because I don’t like disappointing others. Like Jillian, I’m learning it’s okay to put me first.

What were the key challenges you faced when writing this book?
Of course, there’s always the challenge of balancing my home, work, and writing lives to meet deadlines. The major challenge was making sure certain details in my book were consistent with Suzette D’s book. This required me to incorporate them creatively in my contemporary story while being true to the integrity of Jillian’s story.

What was different for you writing this book?
There were two things different this time around for me. One of them was writing in first person. All my other works are in third person. And the second was writing women’s fiction. Honestly, I was a wee bit intimidated initially. However, as I became immersed in the project, writing from the first-person POV became second nature. As long as I focused on the story being about Jillian’s journey, I stayed the course and didn’t make the story heavy on the romance. A romantic at heart, of course, I had to have elements of romance in Wandering Beauty.

Can you share some ways that readers can support you?
Before answering this question, I want to shout out to readers who have followed me for years. I love y’all! As a reader, if you enjoyed one of my stories, please leave a review or send me a message letting me know. Over the years, I’ve received emails from readers who encouraged me when I wanted to give up on writing. Follow me on social media, sign up for my newsletter, and visit my website occasionally. I’m contemplating reviving my FB group…stay tuned. 😊

Wandering Beauty: Generations Series – Book 2 by Suzette Riddick
Order Wandering Beauty:

How can readers discover more about you and your work?
By visiting my website at! I’ve been on a mission to create a website that will include all facets of who I am as a woman – wife, mother, GiGi, nurse practitioner, and writer. I have a lot of life experience to share that I believe could be useful to others. My website will showcase everything from my books, health topics, lifestyle (beauty, travel, hobbies/interests), and so much more.

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