Tristan’s Choice by Savannah Jackson

03 Jun

Tristan’s Choice by Savannah Jackson. Learn more:

Savannah Jackson’s Tristan’s Choice follows the life of Shiloh and his son Tristan fifteen years after Tristan’s birth. Shiloh and his wife, Moselle, are doing a great job raising Tristan and his sisters. Although Moselle is not Tristan’s birthmother, anyone observing from the outside would never know because she loves and treats him as her own.

All is going well for Shiloh, Tristan, and their family until a knock on the door changes everything one day. Tristan opens the front door and faces a stranger who turns out to be his birthmother, Angela. Angela returns after fifteen years to claim her son after the prompting of her boyfriend Leroy, who has recently been released from jail and believes that he is Tristan’s father.

Leroy coerces Angela to develop a relationship with Tristan using whatever necessary means. Angela meets Ms. Ella, an older woman who befriends her. Through love and wisdom, Ms. Ella helps Angela become a better person. As she changes, Angela begins to regret her actions regarding Tristan and his family.

Shiloh and Moselle witness Angela’s change and decide to allow her to have a relationship with their son once Leroy is no longer in her life. However, Tristan is initially unsure of his feelings regarding his relationship with his birth mother.

After a conversation with his family, he decides to allow Angela to become a part of his life. Tristan and his family join Angela and Ms. Ella at a festivity celebrating Angela joining a church, where he shares the good news with his birth mother.

Excerpt from Tristan’s Choice by Savannah Jackson

“I’ll get it Mom!” Tristan yelled to Moselle…

Moselle and Shiloh often left Tristan in charge of his younger eleven-year-old twin sisters, Maya, and Amelia when they had a date night; a responsibility Tristan took seriously.

A few seconds later Moselle heard the alarm system chime as the front door opened, but she didn’t hear Tristan announce the visitor. “Who is it, Tristan?”

When he didn’t respond, Moselle called out from the laundry room, “Tristan, I asked who is at the door?”

She knew that although he was only fifteen, Tristan was her most dependable child. When she got no response the second time, Moselle became concerned. She looked at Amelia who was helping her out and then placed the clean clothes in her hands back into the dryer and headed to the door.

Just as she turned the corner from the kitchen into the hallway leading to the foyer, she heard Maya say, “I think it’s his mother.”

Tristan stood face to face with a woman whose eyes mirrored his. He heard Moselle ask who was at the door but for the life of him, he couldn’t answer.

“May I help you?” Moselle’s voice sounded from behind Tristan. And then, he felt her hands on his shoulders as she moved him and stood between him and the stranger at the door.

“Yes, I’m here to see my son.” The woman’s voice and stance became aggressive.

“I think you have the wrong house.”

The woman’s eyes narrowed. She observed Moselle for a second and then settled her gaze on Tristan.

“Wrong house? No, I don’t think I have the wrong house. My name is Angela Pritchard and I’m Tristan’s mother.”

( Continued… )

Copyright 2024 All rights reserved. Book excerpt reprinted by permission of the author, Savannah Jackson. Do not reproduce, copy or use without the author’s written permission. This excerpt is used for promotional purposes only.

About the Author
Savannah Jackson
was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware, in an Italian neighborhood called “Little Italy.” Her family’s unconditional love and support and her environment’s influence fostered her passion and talents in the Arts. Subsequently, she studied music and literature during her college years, which fed her passion for writing.

She is the author of Toward the Light and the sequel The Prodigal Son, Behind Closed Doors, The Prey, Raising Tristan, and the sequel Tristan’s Choice and Savannah’s Place. She is also the founder, organizer, and host of The Annual Authors Literary Festival, held yearly in the Richmond, Virginia, Metro Area. The Annual Authors Literary Festival is no longer held; however, Savannah hopes to one day bring it back. She is also busy completing one short story and two novellas, which she hopes will debut by the end of 2025.

In her spare time, Savannah Jackson enjoys reading, watching movies, traveling, and spending time with family and friends. She currently resides in Virginia with her son and family. For more information, email her at Her website is currently under revision.


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